Councillors get cooking advice from fire officer

By Chad Feehan
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
October 13, 2023 Edition

Mount Pearl councillors got a quick lesson Tuesday on how to keep safety in mind when cooking at home.

The advice was offered by Fire Prevention Officer Cara Pardy of the St. John’s Regional Fire Department, which is responsible for answering fire calls in Mount Pearl and Paradise, maintaining stations in both municipalities along with St. John’s. 

Pardy’s visit was part of Fire Prevention Week, which runs October 8th to the 14th.

As cooking is the leading cause of house fires, the motto this year is “Cooking safety starts with you. Pay attention to fire prevention.”

During her presentation, Pardy said cooking fires often start because people are not paying attention.

“If you’re sleepy or if you consume some alcoholic beverages or other substances that may make you sleepy, my best advice is what I tell everybody: have a sandwich or a bowl of cereal. Something that you don’t have to heat up. If you’re going to cook, use a timer to remind you.”

Pardy suggested changing the batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors when the clocks change twice a year, and reminded everyone that smoke alarms are only useful for 10 years.

“Without good, fresh working batteries your smoke alarms aren’t going to do what they’re supposed to do,” she said.

The Fire Department kicked off the week this past Saturday with family friendly open-house events at the Paradise station on Topsail Road, the Mount Pearl station on Olympic Drive, and the fire station on Blackmarsh Road. that featured a variety of activities aimed at fire prevention awareness.

Pardy said they like to teach small children because “their brains are like little sponges, and then they go home and teach their parents and grandparents.”

In addition to the open-houses, there will be an information booth in the Avalon Mall, fire drills throughout the region, and a poster contest.

Mayor Dave Aker echoed Pardy’s sentiments and read a proclamation declaring Fire Prevention Week in Mount Pearl.
“I call upon the people of the City of Mount Pearl to participate in fire prevention activities at home, work, and school and to take the steps needed to make their homes and families safe from the leading causes of home fires,” he said.

Fire Prevention Officer Cara Pardy appeared before Mount Pearl city council this week to offer some advice on safe habits in the kitchen. On hand were, from left: councillors Jim Locke, Chelsea Lane, Mayor Dave Aker, Cara Pardy, and councillors Bill Antle and Mark Rice. Photo by Chad Feehan.

Posted on October 19, 2023 .

Today’s a lucky Friday 13th for some Newtown Elementary supporter

By Chad Feehan
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
October 13, 2023 Edition


Newtown Elementary’s annual 50/50 fundraiser is well underway, having raised just over $70,000 at the time of writing.

For the past three years, the Mount Pearl school has held a 50/50 fundraiser to raise money for school operations and projects.

Assistant Principal Sarah Baird Whelan said the children and school community get really involved and have a lot of fun with the fundraiser every year.

Every day the school announces the total, and the class that raises the most money gets a party after the end of the two-week fundraising period.

“We hype it up. We get them interested and engaged in selling their tickets,” Whelan said.

In previous years, the school has used the money to buy furniture and Chromebooks and improved its internet capabilities to better serve the needs of the students.

The school puts stickers on items purchased by the funds so that students and staff can easily identify where the fundraiser money goes.

Last year’s prize was $55,000, which means the total money raised was somewhere upwards of $110,000.

Newtown Elementary Principal Deon Perry said he has the students and the families of the students to thank for playing such a major role in the annual project.

“It really is a big undertaking,” Perry said.

And it’s always a busy two weeks for the school. Faculty still have their day-to-day teaching responsibilities, and the students’ homework never lets up.

Whelan made a special note to acknowledge the participation of the school's staff.

“We couldn't do this without our staff,” she said. “Our teachers have to collect the money in the morning, count it, promote it with the children… Without their support, we couldn’t do this.”

The fundraiser had been held during the winter in previous years, which came with its own set of complications. In addition to making it easier for everyone involved to navigate the community, as well as avoiding snow days, collecting the money earlier in the year allows for all of the students currently enrolled in the school to see its benefits before graduation.

“We’re still fresh, our eyes and our hands can count easier than they can in March after the winter and six months of school,” said Perry with a laugh.

The final draw for the fundraiser is today Friday, October 13. A video posted to the school’s Twitter page last week showed Mayor Dave Aker pulling the name of the $500 early bird draw winner.

Jennifer Jenkins and her daughter Olivia were awarded the $500 early bird prize last Friday by Newtown Elementary Principal Deon Perry. The most recent estimate for the 50/50 jackpot prize being drawn today was $35,727 and climbing.

Posted on October 19, 2023 .

Construction crews hurrying to get work done before the snow flies

By Chad Feehan
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
October 13, 2023 Edition

City staff are currently overseeing a number of construction projects within Mount Pearl as the season for such work winds to a close for the winter.
Construction has begun on Birch Avenue, and is estimated to remain in effect until November 15th, 2023. Temporary loss of water service, traffic impediments, and restrictions to driveway access are expected.
Underground components to Roosevelt Avenue are currently being replaced. Work is scheduled to be completed sometime this month.
Ongoing work to the underground replacement operation on Farrell Drive is set to end in November of this year for the winter, and restart in the spring of 2024.
Olympic Drive is set to receive a re-surfacing of asphalt this month, and also see sidewalk and curb replacement.
Manhole repairs in the city are estimated to finish on October 15th.

Posted on October 19, 2023 .

National Breastfeeding Week

October 13, 2023 Edition

Nutritionist Tracy English and lactation consultant Lisa Roberts of Health and Community Services visited Mount Pearl council this week for a proclamation on National Breastfeeding Week. They are advising mothers to maintain breastfeeding their infants for six months, and to continue breastfeeding for two years and beyond if possible. On hand for the proclamation were, from left: councillors Jim Locke and Chelsea Lane, Lisa Roberts, Mayor Dave Aker, Tracy English, and councillors Bill Antle and Mark Rice.

Posted on October 19, 2023 .

Turkey Tea 10 kilometre road race

October 6, 2023 Edition

O’Donel Patriots past and present made a good showing at the Turkey Tea 10 kilometre road race this past Sunday in Mount Pearl. From left, teacher Sandi Porter placed third in her category with a time of 45:21; O’Donel alumni Brady Lalor placed first in his category with a time of 39:37; and principal Sheldon Marsh placed first in his category with a new personal best time of 35:06.

Posted on October 10, 2023 .

Spooky and seasonal events on tap this month

By Chad Feehan
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
October 6, 2023 Edition

The recreation and community safety committee report at Mount Pearl city council Tuesday featured a number of events sure to get citizens in the mood for autumn.

The annual Fall Craft Fair will take place on October 9th at the Reid Community Centre from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Those looking to spend their Thanksgiving Monday soaking in the colors and smells of the season will find crafts, decor, and homemade treats. Admission is $2 for adults and admission is free for children under 12.

If you’re in the mood for family friendly frights this Friday the 13th drive right on up to the Team Gushue Complex parking lot at 7 p.m. for a drive-in screening of Disney’s The Haunted Mansion. Those looking for more hockey-mask-and-machete oriented scares will have to look elsewhere.

Councillor Chelsea Lane introduced a brand-new feature to the city’s seasonal programming: The Haunted Walk. Running daily from October 20th to the 29th at 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., participants will traipse around the pond awash in moonlight, taking in some truly spooky sights.

“This is going to be a first for us, but it’s going to be absolutely phenomenal,” Lane said. “It’s going to be both spooky and exciting.”

Closing out the announcements, the 31st Annual Christmas at the Glacier will run from October 18th to the 22nd. The annual fair will feature craft and art in the holiday spirit like it has for the past 30 years.

Posted on October 10, 2023 .

Admiralty House staff hoping to provide a good scare

Mark Squibb
October 6, 2023 Edition


Things are getting spooky over at the Admiralty House Communications Museum, but that’s about all you can expect this time of year.

Staff, with help from the Association of the Arts in Mount Pearl (AAMP), are reviving the Admiralty House Haunted House of yesteryears.

“Whenever I tell people I work at the museum they tell me, ‘Oh yeah, I went there once for the Girl Guide Haunted House back in the early 2000’s,’” said assistant director Tim Elliott. “And so, we thought that if that’s what people know us for, why not give it a bit of a revival.”

Staff are leaning into the museum’s nautical history in planning the haunted house.

“We’re calling it the Admiral’s Curse Haunted House, and a journey through a haunted shipwreck is the narrative that we’re going with,” said Elliott, who noted the museum building was originally built by the Marconi Telegraph Company as a top-secret wireless station for the British Royal Navy. “So, we thought, why not lean into the nautical theme a little bit.”

The Haunted House (or Haunted Shipwreck if you prefer) will run from Friday October 20th until Sunday October 22nd at a cost of $5 for adults and $3 for children under 10.

General admission will be from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., with a more family friendly option available from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on the Saturday and Sunday.

“For the afternoon sessions, we’ll have the lights on really, really low, we’re going to turn the volume down a little bit, we’re going to tell the actors to take it easy, so parents of little kids can still take them through without experiencing a full throttle haunted house,” said Elliott.

A few seasoned volunteers have already stepped forward to help with the venture, but more volunteers are needed, Elliott said.

“We have a great core of volunteers for the plan and design, but right now we’re still recruiting for actors and people who want to be in the haunted house itself,” he explained.

If you’re interested in lending a hand, you can call the museum at 748-1124 or e-mail .

The museum is hosting a number of other free activities in recognition of spooky season, including a ghost story mug-up that was held earlier this week and a free-to-attend presentation by Black Cat Cemetery Preservation on Friday the 13th.

The museum’s staff will be handing out treats on the big day, and hope to set up a photo booth, constructed out of set pieces from the haunted house, so visitors can get pictures while decked out in their frightful best.

Posted on October 10, 2023 .

City preparing for new municipal plan and transportation plan

By Mark Squibb
September 29, 2023


A new municipal plan and transportation plan are in the works for the City of Mount Pearl.

“The Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Municipal Plan and Integrated Transportation Plan will be released in the coming days,” said councillor Mark Rice during last week’s meeting. “This is a large piece of work for the City, and we are anticipating and looking forward to the proposals.”

The Integrated Transportation Plan was one of the plans identified in the 2023-2027 strategic plan council passed earlier this year. Other plans that fall under the umbrella of that document include a new traffic calming policy, infrastructure plan, two different investment attraction plans, and a five-year economic development strategy.

The new municipal plan, meanwhile, will outline Mount Pearl’s policies for land use and development. Its current municipal plan was passed in 2011.

Once proposals have been submitted and vetted by staff, the engineering committee will make a recommendation to council to award the contract to the most compliant bidder, or bidders.

Posted on October 10, 2023 .

‘It’s been a super trip’

Waterford Valley Rotary applauds two new Harris Fellows

By Mark Squibb
September 29, 2023 Edition

Waterford Valley Rotary Club members Gary Ball and Dennis Rousell joined the ranks of Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Pope John Paul II, Ghandhi, and King Charles, among others on Wednesday when they were inducted into the John Harris Fellowship at a Rotary meeting at Smitty’s Restaurant in Mount Pearl.

“One of the highlights of being president of the Rotary Club is the opportunity to recognise a person, or persons, whose life demonstrates a shared purpose with the objective of Rotary, that is, ‘Service Above Self,’” said club president Rick Tiller. “Dennis and Gary have shown exemplary leadership in steering our club to where it is today. The club is 46 years old, and we’re advocating for environmental projects at the Waterford River and for mental health awareness, and the two of these gentlemen have been instrumental in making these causes happen. Dennis and Gary, in my opinion, and in the opinion of a lot of other people, exhibit the true ideals of Rotary, which is ‘Service Above Self.’”

The men were presented with an official certificate from Rotary International and a pin bearing the emblem of the Paul Harris Fellowship.

“This emblem is known all over the world in Rotary,” said Tiller. “If you go to the upcoming international conference in Singapore, people will know what it is. If you go to a Rotary meeting in Ottawa, people will know what it is. If you go to a meeting anywhere, they’ll know you’re a Paul Harris Fellow. It’s one of the most recognisable pins in the Rotary world.”

The Waterford Valley Rotary Club boasts some 16 members, and Tiller said he would like to see more members inducted into the fellowship, which was founded in 1957 in honor of Rotary founder Paul Harris.

“This Club is one of the most committed groups of people I’ve ever worked with,” said Tiller. “And this club is comprised of many members who have decades of Rotarian experience and many who are, in my opinion, deserving of being Paul Harris Fellows.”

Tiller said he believes it possible his club’s entire membership could be inducted into the Fellowship by 2027, when the Club celebrates it’s 50th anniversary. With Ball and Rousell’s induction, the club now has six Harris Fellows.

“I never expected anything like this,” said Ball. “This represents everybody in this room. It really does. It’s because everybody came together and worked together that got this club to where it is here today, and why I’ve got this. I’m very proud of what we’ve accomplished over the last number of years. It’s been a super trip all the way.”

Two members of the Waterford Valley Rotary Club, pictured here with their wives, were inducted into the John Harris Fellowship at a Rotary meeting this week. From left are Marcie Rowsell, inductee Dennis Rowsell, inductee Gary Ball, and Brenda Ball. Mark Squibb photo

Posted on October 10, 2023 .

130 trees planted at Mount Pearl Summit Centre

September 22, 2023 Edition

Some 50 volunteers planted 130 trees and shrubs at the Mount Pearl Summit Centre last Saturday as part of TD Bank’s commitment to plant one million trees by 2030. Mayor Dave Aker said the annual TD Tree Day is a chance to “celebrate the forest within the community,” and thanked the volunteers who participated in the event, including little Lincoln Noseworthy, Serena Benoit, and Arlo Noseworthy, pictured here with councillor Chelease Lane, Mayor Dave Aker, and councillor Bill Antle. Submitted photo.

Posted on October 4, 2023 .